~today is a new day~

"today is a new day"...ni la yang mdam huda cakap mase kat studio bila kitorg bg alasan ngantok sebabb semalam buat gazeboo sampai pagi....wuwuwu..but madam..our today pon start ngan gazeboo..oh no...but pas bace poem today is a new day mmg bg semangat ah..kononnyew la kan..haha...bace la lau nk ase,..sape2 yang xrase pape pon xde prasaan la kot kan...hope not...hee...

finish yesterday, and be done with it. 

you have done what you could. some blunders 

and absurdities no doubt crept in; forget them

 as soon as you can.

today is a new day. 

begin it well, and serenely, and with too high a 

spirit to be cumbered with your old nonsense.

this day is all that is good and fair. it is too dear, 

with its hopes and invitations, to waste a 

moment on yesterdays.

- adapted from ralph waldo emerson

haaa..best x?? best x?? thank you madam...now i know what means by today is a new day...=)

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